A Group of Waynesburg Business College Students, Waynesburg, PA

Subject: A Group of Waynesburg Business College Students
Condition: Excellent (See scans)
Back side: Divided
Circulated: No
Year: Ca. 1910
Publisher: Unknown

"BUSINESS, business, business! is the cry; and it is the wide-awake young people of to-day who fit themselves for a business life, who will be the business men and women of to-morrow. The Waynesburg Business College is equipped to give you all the advantages of a first-class business training that will fit you for all remunerative business pursuits. See the splendid set of young people who are now preparing for a business career. Shorthand, typewriting and all branches taught at the Waynesburg Business College."    (Attribution: http://archive.org/stream/waynesburgprospe00high/waynesburgprospe00high_djvu.txt)

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